Surrender to the Stumble: Uncovering the Hidden Wisdom in “Failure”

by Juhi Roy


Hindu scriptures have always amused me with the ocean of knowledge that they have. The Vedas, Puranas, the Gita , the Ramayana and many more like these have the capacity to solve any problem of your life in the quickest way.

Now don’t get me wrong by the word “quickest way” . I mean to say that the spiritual knowledge that these texts have gives us a broader perspective of life and when we see any problem from a bird’s eye view, it always looks small.

Deep Dive

I am talking about Hinduism here because I am a Hindu and all the spiritual knowledge that I have is related to Hinduism only.

But I also know for sure, almost all the religions give us a broader perspective of life and that is the reason why, from ancient times the spiritual leaders have encouraged us to make spirituality an integral part of our lives.


Now, quickly coming to the point about what do I mean by “broader perspective of life”. I am sure you must be aware of the term “Karma”. It is very popular these days. Our scriptures have decoded “Karma” centuries ago.

They say that “karma” is a kind of “action account” that we keep on accumulating from many life times. This account consists of both ‘good actions’ and ‘bad actions’. Hence, whenever you are facing difficult times see the bigger picture and understand that even if you are a good person in this lifetime, these are the outcomes of past lifetimes karma.

The moment you understand this, life becomes easier, you become relaxed and know the reason behind everything.

How Does Karma Works?

Now, the question might haunt you? So, what comes good from this understanding, I am still suffering. That’s right but if you have cut a tree from it’s roots and stem it is assured to fall. So, suffering inflicted from our bad karma is inevitable.

Our spiritual leaders have always insisted on the fact that if you pray to God or whichever higher power you believe in for forgiveness; he will forgive you. God is great, he has forgiven us for many such things and he can do this only if we surrender ourselves to him.

Our scriptures say that if we do good deeds, follow the path that God has shown us and pray for forgiveness of the past actions. He will definitely forgive us.

In Hinduism ‘bad actions’ are referred as “papa” and ‘good actions’ are referred as “punya”. Our Guru teaches us that we have to increase our punya quota and reduce our papa quota in order to bring less suffering in this lifetime.

And even if you are still suffering , know that God is very kind and always has best plans for his kids. He will definitely lead you to the correct path through this.


That been said, certain failures that come in our way despite of doing everything right comes because of our Karma, for which the Hindu scriptures use the word “Praarabdh”. So, as per them once your bad Praarabdh is over then you start getting the results of all the good things that you are doing in this life. 

But to get the results you will have to keep trying. Or as the Famous actor Steve Harvey says “You will have to stay at the faith station”.

So when next time you fail or is continuously witnessing  failure, keep the broader picture in your mind and have faith on the universe. Know that whatever you wish for is in the process of coming true. Wait on the Faith Station!

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